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Friday, 18 October 2024 17:58

Pallmann : Family history on a new wood floor

To achieve an even surface, the joints were then filled with Pall-X Kitt. To achieve an even surface, the joints were then filled with Pall-X Kitt.

Professional renovation of a pear strip wood floor
Many years of family history leave behind valuable memories - and visible traces. This was also the case on the approximately 60 square metres of a detached house in Staig-Steinberg, Germany.

Thanks to the expertise and precise craftsmanship of Pallmann's wood floor specialists, the worn floor could be professionally renovated and the feared complete replacement could be avoided.
The pear strip wood floor in the detached house in Staig-Steinberg, near Ulm, tells the story of many years of family life. Over the years, clear signs of wear have become apparent, not least thanks to the active family dog. When renovating the 60 square metre area, the focus was on repairing the damage and retaining the look and feel.
The wood floor specialists faced several challenges at the same time. The extensive glass front required extreme precision, as even the smallest sanding irregularity would have been clearly visible in the incident light. The soft pear wood also required a particularly careful approach to avoid causing any new damage. In addition, the many hard-to-reach corners and sharp angles required a skilful hand and a great deal of dexterity, which impressively demonstrated the expertise and skill of the specialists.

Pallmann Spider in combination with professional craftsmanship
The first step of the expert renovation was carried out with the help of the Pallmann Spider. The professionals started with the pre-sanding using the easy-to-operate and smooth-running wood floor sanding machine. Due to the nature of the pear wood floor, they opted for suitable flex discs and zirconium velcro discs with a grain size of 60. As pear wood floor is a particularly soft and sensitive wood, maximum concentration was required during sanding to avoid unevenness. After the second sanding process with 80 grit, all signs of wear were completely removed. In view of the large glass front in the detached house and the incident light, the wood floor experts faced the challenge of avoiding even the smallest sanding error - a task they successfully mastered.
In order to achieve a completely homogeneous surface, the joints were then filled with Pall-X Kitt. The water-based joint filler solution was first mixed with the resulting fine sanding dust and then spread over the entire floor using a spatula. Thanks to its fast drying properties, the floor could be finished after approx. 25 minutes.
Several hard-to-reach areas required special attention during the entire sanding and puttying process. These included working under a freestanding glass staircase and along a curved rail that created a smooth transition to the tiles. The stove in the living room of the house also resulted in some nooks and crannies and sharp angles that made it impossible to finish every part of the floor purely by using the Pallmann Spider. The professionals showed great dexterity by carefully sanding and smoothing these areas step by step by hand, which took a lot of time and highly focussed detail work.

Lasting protection and accentuation of the natural character with Magic Oil 2K Change
The floor was finished with Magic Oil 2K Change, a solvent-free, 2-component wood floor oil made from cold-pressed hemp oil and natural waxes. By using regional, renewable raw materials, CO2 emissions can be reduced by around 60% in the production of this high-quality wood floor oil compared to conventional wood floor oils. The surface finish with Magic Oil 2K Change emphasises the beautiful colour and structure of the pear wood floor. It also provides a natural surface and the ‘barefoot feeling’ appreciated by the owners. Before the oil was finally applied, the wood floor specialists soaked the floor with clear water. This step is the only way to achieve benefits such as more intensive colour accentuation, a more homogeneous wood surface and optimum penetration of the oil. After the surface had dried, they applied the wood floor oil mixed from the two components to the entire floor using a spatula. Once the excess material had been removed with a beige cleaning pad, the second coat of Magic Oil 2K Change could be applied. After this work step, the excess material was also removed with the beige pad and then polished out with the white cleaning pad.

In this way, around 60 square metres of pear strip wood floor were renovated, which are now once again well protected against mechanical and chemical stress thanks to the high-quality wood floor oil. The project in the prestigious home demonstrates that the use of high-quality Pallmann products combined with the expert knowledge of experienced wood floor specialists can successfully tackle even the most challenging renovation work. The renovated wood floor not only gives the detached house a high-quality and cosy atmosphere, but is also impressive proof of how durable and sustainable wood flooring is.