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Roughening up old tiles, grinding covering floors, and removing old carpet and adhesive residue are highly labour-intensive jobs.

Bona makes a priority of professional comfort. Its assortment includes a single-disc machine, the Bona Flexi Sand 1.9, which can be fitted with a drive disc specially for such intensive labour, the Bona Concrete Disc. Diverse types of grinding segments can be fixed magnetically to this basic drive disc, depending on the required result.

These include:
PCD Maxi Segments: These are for removing thick adhesive residue, silane, adhesive, carpet foam, paint, and epoxy.
PCD Split Segments: These are for removing polyurethane, thin adhesive residue, jute, and paint.
Diamond Segments: These are for removing sinter layers and epoxy or processing concrete surfaces or anhydrite.

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